Who Is Responsible For Dog Bite Injuries?
Were you bit by a dog in your apartment complex? There are a number of different factors that may come into play when building a claim against the dog owner or property owner.
The Boston-based lawyers at Dane Shulman Associates, LLC, can explain your rights as a tenant, and the responsibilities of the dog owner. We can also help you pursue maximum compensation for your injuries.
Free consultation: Talk to one of lawyers for dog injuries in a no-cost, no-obligation consultation. Just call 617-298-2500.
Do you live in a pet-free apartment? If your landlord does not allow dogs, but another tenant’s dog bit you, we can work to determine if your landlord was aware of the dog’s presence. This may affect your options for seeking compensation.
“One Free Bite” Does Not Apply
Under Massachusetts law, dogs do not get “one free bite” as is commonplace in other jurisdictions. Additionally, it is not necessary for a victim to prove that the dog’s owner acted negligently in order to pursue compensation through homeowners insurance or other sources.
Who Is Responsible For Dog Bite Injuries?
When tenants or landlords are involved in dog bite cases, there can be questions of liability due to the presence of a number of different insurance policies. Does the liability fall to the landlord or the tenant? In some recent cases there is a new strategy being used to go after the insurance policies of landlords when a dog-owning tenant does not carry a renter’s policy that covers his or her liability.
Contact Us: We Can Answer Your Questions
This is an area of the law that continues to rapidly develop, which is why it is so important to talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer about your options. Contact one of our dog injury attorneys today for a free initial consultation.