How to plan a successful and safe motorcoach trip
Massachusetts residents who are planning a motorcoach trip for a large group of people may be interested in a report by the Bus Industry Safety Council. The report provides tips on how to choose a good motorcoach company and includes a safety checklist as a handy reference guide.
A trip planner who takes the time to review the qualifications and safety aspects of a motorcoach company prior to the hiring process is also taking important steps to assure the safety of those who will be riding the bus. Moreover, a trip planner who hires a motorcoach solely based on the financial aspect could be held liable if an accident occurs.
A reputable motorcoach company is one that is registered with the Department of Transportation and meets all government and local safety regulations. Their buses should be well maintained and inspected yearly. By law, all motorcoach companies must carry at least $5 million in liability insurance. The company should provide qualified drivers and offer extra drivers for long road trips. Regulations state that a driver must not operate the bus past 10 hours or work past 15 hours without eight uninterrupted hours of rest. Additionally, bus drivers must not work past 60 hours per week.
A coach bus accident can cause severe injury to anyone involved. If an accident was due to the negligence of the driver, the injured party may be able to hold the driver liable for their accident-related damages. In some cases, the trip planner or the motorcoach company may be found to be at fault in causing the accident.
Source: American Bus Association, “Before You Hire a Motorcoach Company What You Need to Know”, November 24, 2014