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Malfunctioning vehicle could result in wrongful death lawsuit

On behalf of posted in Work-Related Deaths on Tuesday March 8, 2016

There are many potential causes of a workplace accident in Massachusetts. In many cases, employers and workers can identify potential risks and take reasonable actions to mitigate them in order to protect employees. Unfortunately, there may be little to no warning when a large piece of machinery malfunctions, causing a serious accident. A recent out-of-state accident involving such an incident could potentially result in a wrongful death lawsuit. Police say that the accident happened in late February. The 36-year-old male victim was reportedly working at a machine shop that repairs industrial tanks. Unfortunately, the man was repairing such a tank…

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Workplace accident could be case of wrongful death

On behalf of posted in Work-Related Deaths on Thursday September 24, 2015

Thousands of people in Massachusetts leave their families every day and report to work. They put in long, hard hours behind a desk, at a construction site, stocking shelves and in many other scenarios to support their families. While these workers know they may face some sort of harm while at work, they are also likely aware of precautions they can take to ensure their safety. However, if workers are not provided the necessary safety tools, or if equipment is faulty, their lives could still be at risk. In a situation where a person is killed at work due to…

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Wrongful death lawsuit could follow Massachusetts fatal accident

On behalf of posted in Work-Related Deaths on Wednesday August 5, 2015

While the level of risk may vary, there is some risk of injury in almost all professions. Some risks may be less obvious than others -- for example, risks stemming from leaving a work site to take a break. Unfortunately, a man in Massachusetts was recently killed while attempting to take a break from his job as a toll collector. Massachusetts State Police are currently investigating an incident that could result in a wrongful death lawsuit. The victim was a 61-year-old male who had worked as a toll collector for approximately eight years. The accident occurred in late July. Reports indicate that…

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Wrongful death lawsuit may be an option after a work accident

On behalf of posted in Work-Related Deaths on Friday November 21, 2014

When someone is killed because of the negligent or reckless actions of another person, the family may consider a wrongful death lawsuit. But what are the legal options for a family when a loved one is killed at work? Because of workers' compensation death benefits, a wrongful death lawsuit may not be an option in every situation. However, Massachusetts readers have the right to explore all legal options after an accident. Recently, in another state, a tragic accident claimed the lives of four workers at a chemical plant. The plant produces chemicals used in certain fungicides and insecticides. Although it is not known how this happened,…

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Family of worker killed could possibly seek wrongful death suit

On behalf of posted in Work-Related Deaths on Saturday October 11, 2014

Construction work is dangerous, even under the best conditions. If a company has been negligent in ensuring workers' safety, then the possibility of a deadly accident increases. In some circumstances, Massachusetts laws may enable surviving family members to file a wrongful death suit when they have lost a loved one through a fatal work accident. Recently, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration concluded its investigation after a fatal July accident. It determined that a company was negligent in training its employees about recognizing a potentially dangerous situation and in procedures for obtaining medical care in the event of an accident. The company was fined for the accident…

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OHSA investigation may open door to wrongful death lawsuit

On behalf of posted in Work-Related Deaths on Wednesday October 1, 2014

Firefighters place themselves in life and death situations every day. They knowingly assume the risks when they answer the call to help others in need. However, if the conditions they were faced with were caused by negligence -- and they perished as a result -- their survivors may be entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit. There may be such a case here in Massachusetts. Last March, firefighters responded to a nine-alarm structure fire in Boston's Back Bay. That fire killed two members of one of the companies. Several months later, OSHA determined that the fire was the result of negligence and willful violations on the part of a welding…

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