Massachusetts fatal car accident kills 1 woman
The fatalities in a car accident can leave a huge emotional burden on the family of the victim and others that were involved in the accident. It can take years for a person to recover from losing a loved one in this tragic way, though full emotional recovery is not always possible. Unfortunately, the family of one Massachusetts woman is going through this right now after she was killed in a fatal car accident.
The accident occurred around 8 p.m. on Nov. 23 and involved three vehicles. Six other people were involved in the accident, but no one else was killed. After the accident occurred, the woman was transported to a nearby hospital where she was pronounced dead. The six other people were taken to the hospital as well, but were released soon after they arrived.
The police had trouble responding to the accident because of weather conditions that night, but when they arrived, several surrounding communities helped with the victims. Police did not say if the weather was a factor in the accident. The collision is currently under investigation by the Massachusetts State Police.
Once the investigation of the fatal car accident is completed, the grieving family of the Massachusetts woman may have the right to seek compensation in a civil court of law. Compensation often gives the family of someone who has died in this way a small sense of justice, although nothing will bring their loved one back. Compensation could be used to pay for any expenses of the woman and ease the financial burden that is sometimes placed on the family.
Source:, Woman Identified in Fatal Gill Crash, No author, Nov. 24, 2013