Massachusetts man could face wrongful death lawsuit
A Massachusetts man was cited recently for vehicular homicide for his supposed role in a fatal car accident last September. The man could potentially face a wrongful death lawsuit as well. A hearing regarding the criminal charge has been scheduled tentatively for early spring.
Although the fatal accident happened last year, court actions were delayed and have not yet taken place. Originally, the man was scheduled to appear for an initial court appearance in early February. That was pushed back several months to allow more time to complete the accident reconstruction. Officials are waiting for test results from drug and alcohol testing as well as a completed autopsy report.
The man is thought responsible for the death of a Massachusetts woman after a two-car collision. The man was driving when he allegedly crossed over into the oncoming lane of traffic. He then reportedly collided head-on with the woman’s car. She did not survive.
Officials say they are waiting for test results before they can proceed with assessing formal charges. They say the man’s toxicology reports indicate he was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time the accident occurred. Details about what happened are expected to be outlined in an accident reconstruction report, which has not yet been completed.
The man’s attorney says he is anxious to get the legal process started. He claims the delay is creating a difficult situation that puts everyone involved “on hold.” Regardless of what happens eventually in the Massachusetts criminal courtroom, the man could also face a wrongful death lawsuit brought on by the family of the woman who was killed. They are undoubtedly reeling from their loss, and a successful lawsuit could help them cover the expenses they are dealing with in the accident’s aftermath.
Source: Wicked Local Canton, More delays in Canton fatal crash case, Keith Ferguson, Feb. 26, 2014