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Massachusetts victims cite traumatic brain injury after bombing

On behalf of posted in brain injury on Friday June 27, 2014

The terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon in the Spring of 2013 left hundreds of people injured and many more emotionally changed. The wounds of those hurt in the explosions ranged from death to invisible, interior wounds. The generosity of strangers across the world has made it possible for many Massachusetts victims to receive the necessary care that they might otherwise have never received. There are some bombing victims, however, who reportedly suffered a traumatic brain injury and who feel they have not received comparable aid to fully address their medical needs.

The issue some survivors have raised concerns the proceeds of the charity called One Fund. This foundation was set up out of the generosity of the thousands of people everywhere in the world who wished to provide financial assistance to help the victims receive the care and medical treatment they required in the aftermath of the terror attacks. Within the first year, the administrators of the charity reported that funds were disbursed to those whose injuries were seemingly the most traumatic. Other victims received a more modest payout until ongoing needs could be more thoroughly assessed.

Those who suffered head injuries and/or emotional and mental health consequences are seeking to receive a larger proportion of the remaining funds. Some officials of the One Fund have questioned the claims of some of those requesting more aid. Nevertheless, the charity does intend to review the records of victims, and those who were not compensated at first, may receive more aid this time around. The charity officials have also reported that those who have suffered injuries such as hearing problems and post-traumatic stress will also receive funds designated for medical and/or mental health care services.

While the victims of this Massachusetts tragedy are fortunate to have been the beneficiaries of the One Fund foundation and have had most of their medical care provided for, other victims of a traumatic brain injury are not so fortunate. However, if a person has suffered such a serious injury and it can be documented that the harm was the result of a third party’s negligence or malicious actions, then the victim (or their family members in the event of a fatality) may opt to pursue a civil claim. A successful filing may result in financial relief that may help ease the monetary harm they sustained from the injury.

Source: The Boston Globe, “Marathon bombing survivors question One Fund“, David Abel, June 21, 2014

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