Pedestrian accident in Massachusetts kills man
Motor vehicle drivers often forget that pedestrians have the right of way. This can often lead to negligence on the part of the driver and sometimes lead to an accident between the driver and the pedestrian. These types of accidents can often leave the pedestrian with severe or even fatal injuries. Unfortunately, one such pedestrian accident in Massachusetts killed a man recently.
A Massachusetts resident was struck by a car on Sept. 28 at around 8:30 p.m. when he attempted to cross the street. The man was 52 years old. Police responded soon after the accident occurred, but he was unresponsive when they arrived. He was taken to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced deceased.
The man that was driving the van which struck the pedestrian remained at the scene until police arrived. It was not stated if the 28-year-old man suffered any injuries. The pedestrian accident is still under investigation by the Massachusetts police, but no charges have been filed against the driver at this time.
Upon completion of the investigation, the police should know if the driver was at fault for causing the pedestrian accident and if there are grounds to press charges. Even if this is not the case, the family of the pedestrian may have the right to file for monetary compensation through the civil court system. If the driver of the van is in fact deemed responsible for the incident, compensation could give the family a sense of justice for the tragic loss of life, as well as help cover any final expenses of the victim.
Source:, Dennis man struck, killed by SUV while running across street; no charges have been filed, No author, Sept. 30, 2013