Massachusetts child killed in pedestrian accident
Children are tragically killed in car accidents every year. After a serious accident, a child will likely have more serious injuries than an adult. Modern society has tried to enforce safety precautions to keep children safer, but unfortunately, young people are still involved in accidents that can be very serious. One such accident occurred recently in Massachusetts when a young boy was killed in a pedestrian accident.
The accident occurred on Sept. 18 when a vehicle operated by a young driver struck a 13-year-old boy and killed him. The accident happened almost a mile away from the schools that the boy and the driver attended. It was said that the boy was biking home from school at around 5 p.m. after spending time with friends. He reportedly knew the road well and biked home often.
The cyclist was killed while trying to cross the road into his driveway. No charges have been pressed against the 16-year-old driver at this time. The tragic accident is currently still under investigation.
Once investigations of the pedestrian accident are completed by the Massachusetts authorities, the family of the victim may elect to file a claim for monetary damages for the loss of life. In this situation, a successfully navigated claim could give the family some sense of justice for their tragic loss. Anytime a child is killed, it can put a tremendous amount of stress on the surviving family as well as the entire community. In addition to seeking reimbursement of financial damages based upon documentation of driver negligence, a lawsuit may spur action for renewed safety measures on the local level.
Source: CBS Boston, DA: 16-Year-Old Driver Hit, Killed Teen On Bike In Hopkinton, No author, Sept. 19, 2013