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Massachusetts dog bite incidents result in restrictions for owner

On behalf of posted in Premises Liability on Monday July 29, 2013

One Massachusetts town has decided to take action against a dog that has injured people on two separate occasions. The dog bite incidents occurred in the town of Hull and resulted in two people seeking treatment at the hospital. Members of the town board recently ruled to impose restrictions on the dog and declare him a public danger. The couple that owns the house where the 4-year-old bulldog stays are now required to keep the dog contained within a locked fence and muzzle it when out in public. The dog does not belong to the couple, but stays there when…

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Study: Amusement park rides pose real dangers to kids

On behalf of posted in Premises Liability on Thursday May 30, 2013

Summer has arrived in Boston after a long winter and stop-and-start spring. That means kids will be tugging on parents' sleeves, asking to go to amusement parks to take a turn on the roller coasters and other rides. A new study will give many parents pause about the risks of their children getting injured, however. The study shows that tens of thousands of kids were treated at hospital emergency rooms after sustaining injuries on theme park or amusement park rides. The study of ride-related injuries shows that 92,885 kids were taken to an ER for treatment between 1990 and 2010. That's…

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Massachusetts couple injured in car accident yesterday

On behalf of posted in car accidents on Monday April 22, 2013

A Massachusetts woman and man were injured yesterday in a car accident about 40 miles north of Boston. Their injuries sustained in the Hudson, New Hampshire crash were described as non-life-threatening, law enforcement officials said. A Hudson man was issued two tickets after the accident outside a bar at about 3:30 yesterday afternoon. The Lowell, Massachusetts, woman, 48 years old, had to be extricated from the passenger seat by rescue workers after the crash, officials said later in a statement. It took firefighters about 30 minutes to get her out of the 1992 Toyota Camry. She was then taken by ambulance to…

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