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Woman claims surgical error caused severe pain

On behalf of posted in Medical Malpractice on Monday April 27, 2015

People in Massachusetts require surgical procedures for a variety of different reasons. While some people may elect to have specific surgeries, most people likely undergo such treatment because there is a medical necessity or it will, in some way, improve their quality of life. While these patients are likely aware that there is always some degree of risk, they likely expect that, barring unforeseen medical complications, their life will be somewhat improved after the procedure. Unfortunately, one out-of-state woman claims that a surgical error has actually caused her a severe amount of pain, impacting her everyday life.

According to recently filed court papers, the woman apparently underwent a hysterectomy that utilized laparoscopy. She claims that after the surgery, she began experiencing severe pain. She additionally asserts that nurses remarked that her pain level was unusual.

When the woman continued to experience pain over the next few months, the lead surgeon ordered a CT scan. Afterward, she was reportedly informed that an instrument used in her hysterectomy had scraped her pubic bone. causing inflammation and possibly an infection. She claims that her pain continues today, and it is so severe at times that she is unable to walk. She is requesting damages and legal fees.

While most medical professionals are well-trained, even the slightest mistake can have devastating consequences on a person’s life. In some cases of surgical error, a patient is unable to return to work and requires extensive medical treatment, often resulting in debt. As a result, many people in Massachusetts choose to turn to a civil court to seek help with such costs.  A successfully presented case could result in an award of damages that will help a person suffering as a result of negligent medical treatment focus on his or her recovery, rather than the financial situation.

Source:, “Woman alleges malpractice over hysterectomy“, Carol Ostrow, April 20, 2015

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