Family may seek wrongful death in fatal Ferrari crash
Massachusetts police are still investigating the causes behind a fatal car crash earlier this month. At this point, they have stated that speed appears to have been one of the factors. The crash took the life of two people. If the gathered evidence in the single vehicle wreck suggests that the driver was negligent, the family of the deceased passenger may choose to commence a wrongful death civil lawsuit.
The police report stated that the accident involved a high-performance sports car that was driven by the president of Pride Motor Group. a chain of car dealerships in Massachusetts. The vehicle left the road and collided with a tree. The impact resulted in the car catching on fire and both occupants perished.
The 50-year-old driver of the Ferrari is believed to have been driving at a high rate of speed right before the wreck. The passenger was identified as a 40-year-old man. It was not reported whether the Ferrari was owned by the dealership of which the driver was president.
Police have not released any further details concerning this fatal crash, but when the completed report is provided to the families, the deceased passenger’s family will surely benefit from a thorough review of the findings. If the police determined that the driver of the sports car was indeed culpable for the death of himself and the other man, then the family may incorporate those findings into a civil suit if they decide to exercise their rights to file a wrongful death claim against the driver’s estate and any separate owner of the sports car. These types of civil suits are pursued in order to attempt to recover the financial damages that ensue in the aftermath of these tragic accidents.
Source:, “Driver in Fatal Middleton Ferrari Crash Was Pride Motor Group President”, Oct. 22, 2014