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Fatal car accident leads to charges of vehicular homicide

On behalf of posted in Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents on Monday September 26, 2016

It is a known fact that drinking and then driving is a recipe for disaster. Even the beginning Massachusetts driver knows that this is never a good idea. In addition to the possibility of being charged with drunk driving, the likelihood of being responsible for taking the lives of innocent victims in a fatal car accident is simply too great.

One young man is learning this lesson the hard way. As he was heading north on I-95, a 22-year-old driver plowed into a car that was stopped on the side of the interstate. He continued speeding north and landed in trees along the side of the roadway.

This driver and his passenger were not injured in the accident; however, the driver of the vehicle that was stopped on the side of the road was severely injured. He was transported to a local hospital where he was declared dead. What began as a 45-year-old man stopping to be able to safely check on something with his vehicle resulted in his tragic death.

Although all of the details of this accident have not been released, reports indicate that the 22-year-old driver was driving while drunk. He has been arrested and charged with both drunk driving and vehicular homicide in addition to several other traffic related citations. This accident will most likely have a lasting effect on all of the families involved.

Unfortunately, tragic accidents are all too common. Too many Massachusetts families receive that dreaded knock on the door informing them that the worst has happened. When this news comes and it is the result of a fatal car accident, the family will want to seek assistance in analyzing the details of the tragedy and determining if they should pursue the matter through the courts.

Source:, “State Police make arrest in Boxford fatal crash“, Dave Canton, Sept. 11, 2016

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