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Dad who suffered spinal cord injury is son’s inspiration

On behalf of posted in Spinal Cord Injuries on Thursday July 31, 2014

Millions of people have dreams of things they want to accomplish. Some succeed without any trouble and others never see their dream realized. There are some who persevere against challenging obstacles and see their dreams to fruition. One dad who suffered a devastating spinal cord injury not only succeeded, but he inspired his son as well. Victims of back injuries everywhere, including Massachusetts, may also be encouraged by the man’s feats.

The father, who was a research scientist at a cancer center, wanted to compete in marathons. He was training to achieve his dream when he was severely injured in a snowboarding accident. He was bedridden for months while working to recover from several broken bones. He became a paraplegic and could no longer stand without assistance.

As he struggled to recover, he learned to compete by using a handcycle. He has since completed three marathons. His 10-year-old son was so inspired by his father’s perseverance that he entered and won a nationwide arts contest sponsored by the Parent Teacher Association. His submission used a technique known as stop-motion filming that recorded his father’s triumph over the injury.

In this family, both the father and the son have learned how to overcome obstacles to achieve what they have imagined. Unfortunately, not every family is able to overcome the enormous challenges that frequently accompany a spinal cord injury. The obstacles that victims face are as varied as the circumstances that led to the initial injury. Massachusetts residents who have suffered such an injury through the negligence of a third party may file a personal injury lawsuit, based upon evidence to establish financial liability. No compensation will magically heal the injury, but a monetary award can help ensure that medical care will be available and other financial losses will be covered.

Source:, “Utah dad inspires young son’s award-winning video“, Lisa schencker, July 30, 2014

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