Martha Vineyard dentist saves the day
When someone suffers from an injury it can affect their lives in ways that may not be known for years to come. It is also often the little things that many take for granted that are the most difficult to foresee as being a problem for those individuals. That is why it is always refreshing to hear of stories where local Massachusetts residents reach out to assist others in need, even in the simple matters such as a tooth ache.
One local dentist from Martha’s Vineyard did just that. One of his patients who has been paralyzed from the chest down since his motorcycle accident in 1993 and is confined to a motorized wheelchair was unable to make it into the office when his mobility van needed repairs. Instead of making the patient reschedule or struggle to find alternative transportation, the dentist suggested that he make a house call to find out what was ailing the patient when he called to complain about a toothache.
The dentist was able to assess the patient at his home and prescribe medication to help with the ache until he could get into the office for the necessary x-rays that would be needed. The day before his scheduled x-ray, the patient called saying that his van was still being repaired and that he could not make it in due to the local para-transit service’s stops which he is unable to maneuver his wheelchair to and from due to their location.
Rather than letting the appointment pass and getting flustered, the dentist and his assistant of over 25 years found an alternative solution. They called another patient whose wife also uses a wheel chair and arranged for him to pick up the patient in their van. All in all, it was a community effort to help a patient whose normal every day routines are always more difficult due to his motorcycle accident.
If you have suffered from a motorcycle accident and need legal assistance due to your injuries, please reach out to an attorney practiced in the area of personal injury. Their skill and knowledge can help you in navigating the difficult times that are ahead in the immediate future and may be ahead for years to come.
Source:, “Martha’s Vineyard dentist reached out to a patient in need,” Janet Hefler, Jan. 2, 2013