Massachusetts car accidents: Cyclist killed after struck by car
While there are many benefits of cycling, there are also many dangers that cyclists face. While some states have laws in place to protect cyclists, negligent drivers continue to cause fatal car accidents involving those simply attempting to make a healthier personal choice while protecting the environment. Police in Massachusetts are currently investigating a collision that resulted in a fatal injury.
The accident happened one afternoon in July. According to reports, a 67-year-old man was headed north on his bicycle in the break-down lane of a Massachusetts roadway. A passing motorist, a 68-year-old woman, reportedly veered out of her lane and struck the man from behind.
He was transported to an area hospital for treatment, but later died from the injuries he suffered in the accident. The female driver was issued a citation related to a lane violation. However, the local district attorney and police department, in addition to the Massachusetts State Police Detective Unit, are conducting an investigation into the accident.
The vast majority of bicyclists take every precaution to protect themselves from potentially serious car accidents such as this. Unfortunately, they are often unable to avoid accidents caused by a driver’s unexpected and negligent actions. As a result of this accident, a Massachusetts family is left grieving and potentially facing an uncertain financial future. Many people who lose loved ones in such a manner choose to seek damages in a civil court. A successfully presented case could result in a monetary award that would allow surviving family members to focus on their emotional recovery.
Source:, “Cyclist dies in hospital after being struck by car”, Tom Relihan, July 22, 2015