Teenager hit by a car at Massachusetts intersection
Parents typically spend a big part of their lives worrying about their children’s health and well-being. Many parents put many safety measures in place to prevent harm, but they can not always protect their children from others who may behave in a negligent manner. One teenager in Massachusetts is now recovering from injuries suffered after being hit by a car in an intersection reportedly known for being dangerous for pedestrians as a result of reckless drivers.
The accident happened in mid-July. Police say that a 14-year-old male was attempting to cross the street when he was struck. While his current condition is unclear, he was transported by helicopter to UMass Memorial Medical Center.
The exact details of the collision are also unclear. However, reports indicate that there is not only a traffic light in the area, but also a pedestrian light and crosswalk. One woman who lives near the scene of the accident claims that it is a dangerous spot as many drivers do not always obey the traffic signals and drive too fast.
Injuries resulting from being hit by a car are often serious, requiring long term medical treatment and an extended recovery period. When an accident involves a minor, parents in Massachusetts may also have to cope with a loss of wages as they provide care in addition to costs of necessary medical care. While no criminal charges have been filed, they are not necessary to successfully prove a claim of negligence in a civil court. If negligence is proved, the court could order the driver and vehicle owner to pay damages resulting from the collision, potentially removing or reducing the financial burden placed on the victim and his family.
Source: necn.com, “14-Year-Old Hit by Car, Airlifted“, Monica Madeja and Mike Pescaro, July 20, 2015